Wednesday, April 05, 2006

twinkies and trees don't mix

just to say....i haven't been to sleep yet - going on 24 hours at this moment. i think i may take a nap now............................

Monday, April 03, 2006

.: Curious Passion :.

I'm tired. I have alot of school work this week and I just don't want to do it. I can't wait until December when I can go home after work and not do a thing. Knowing myself, I'll get tired of not having anything to do and wish I had school work. At this point I couldn't fathem that, but I know how I am, and I should. TODAY WAS BEAUTIFUL! and the stars right now are AMazinG. While I was writing a paper last night I also downloaded (from iTunes) the Fiona Apple iTunes Orginal. Her music is really laid back but has a little drive. Now I have a UCLA exam to take on the internet. Goodbye

Sunday, April 02, 2006

It feels good to be dirty.

So today was good. I had one of those sleep in and no shower days, and I must say it feels good to be dirty. I took a stand against hygiene. I also got to clean my apartment, so I guess I did clean something. So, this being my first post, I must say that I am now a part of the Random Roadtrip alliance. (i think it's alliance) A requirement to being in the RRA was to create a blog, but I also have been thinking about doing this for my summer in L.A. Yeah so Spring Break was good. I got an internship at The Mayhem Project. ->
I'll pretty much just be answering phones and reading scripts (ahhh reading, nothing better *cough), but it will help in getting contacts and such. After LA I flew to ATL for THIRSTY 06. I left not only with a wealth of information for the ministry of which I am a part ( theWell ), but also the great feeling of the Lord; not to say I don't always have that feeling, but I really got to worship. uhhh I came home and the next day my dad and I played in ATO's golf tournament. We did receive some free rounds at Robert Trent Jones, so it was well worth it, and also it was fun just to hang out with my dad. Sat. night the RRA went to see Crowder and Third Day. I never new Third Day was so country. But they play for the Lord so I respect them and the music. Crowder was good, but he just stuck to the jump and clap music. I really like his low key songs. Ok I have a lot of work to do, so I must begin.